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The development proposals

An overview of the proposed new homes and green infrastructure in phase 2 of Bloor Homes’ Hutchison Gate neighbourhood as we prepare a full planning application is set out below. Once you have had an opportunity to read about our the plans and to view the interactive map, please take a moment to let us know your comments and suggestions on our short online questionnaire.

The site

The proposed development of 60 homes represents the second phase of the wider Hutchison Gate development – a popular development of high-quality family and affordable homes and public open spaces to the south of Newport.

The site for Phase 2 is located within the settlement boundary of Newport, lying immediately south of the existing phase of Hutchison Gate, to the west of the A518, north of The Dale and east of Highfield.

Site location plan

Site location plan - click to enlarge

Planning policy context

The site for Phase 2 of Hutchison Gate is located within the settlement boundary of Newport. As such, it represents an infill opportunity to deliver much-needed family and affordable homes and is deemed appropriate in terms of local and national planning policy.

Site constraints and opportunities

How local features and landscape have shaped our thinking for the proposed layout of the new neighbourhood.

In preparing the layout for the site, the technical team appointed by Bloor Homes first of all considered the landscape features, topography and local context of the area. The following plan shows some of the features and constraints that have informed our plans. Key features include important trees to the west of the site at the boundaries with Highfield and a property called Chartley. A new public right of way runs along the east of the site. On the southern boundary of the site is a hedgerow and trees providing screening from The Date.

Site constraints plan

Site constraints plan - click to enlarge

The Phase 2 plans

Family-owned housebuilder Bloor Homes is preparing a full planning application for Phase 2 of Hutchison Gate. This will deliver:

  • 60 high-quality family homes in a range of styles and tenures.
  • 39 (65%) market homes in a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bed family homes.
  • 21 (35%) affordable homes, in a mix of social rent and First Homes.
  • Vehicular access taken via the existing phase of Hutchison Gate, at a point close to its junction with the A518.
  • Pedestrian and cycle links from the existing phase.
  • Enhancements to the public right of way that links The Dale with The Folly and the existing phase of Hutchison Gate.
  • Retention of existing trees and hedgerows, enhanced by additional planting.
  • Green public open space and habitat creation, boosting the biodiversity value of the site.
  • Sustainability measures including EV charging infrastructure for all homes, PV cells (solar panels) and very high levels of insulation and energy efficiency.


Development masterplan showing the layout of Phase 2. Click to open interactive map.

House types

The development will deliver 60 new homes in a range of styles and tenures.

  • MARKET HOMES - 39 of the homes (65% of the overall development) will be market homes in a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bed family homes.
  • AFFORDABLE HOMES - 15 homes (25%) will be for social rent, including 1, 2 and 3 bed homes. In addition, 6 homes (10%) will be First Homes.

An artist’s impression of a sample of the type of homes proposed

An artist’s impression of a sample of the type of homes proposed - click to enlarge

What are First Homes?

First Homes are homes that are sold at a discount of at least 30% against the market value and with a price cap of £250,000 applied. Eligibility criteria apply that ensure they are only available to people on lower incomes, such as key workers. When a First Home is sold to its first owner, a legal restriction is entered onto the Title Register. This restriction is intended to ensure that the title cannot be transferred to another owner unless the relevant local authority certifies to HM Land Registry that the First Homes criteria and eligibility criteria have been met, including the discounted sale price.

Illustrative streetscene drawings

Illustrative streetscene drawings

Illustrative streetscene drawings - click to enlarge

Green infrastructure

We want to ensure that natural habitats are protected while we deliver new homes for people and families.

We are conscious of the ever-increasing importance of that ensuring development is sustainable, protecting and enhancing natural habitats and green infrastructure as much as possible whilst delivering much needed homes for people and families. The planning proposals will be informed by an ecological survey and will seek to enhance biodiversity.

The site is currently largely comprised of improved agricultural grassland, which is of relatively low value in terms of biodiversity and with no trees within the site itself other than boundary trees and hedgerows. The new neighbourhood will include the retention of the existing perimeter trees and established hedgerows save for a small section of hedgerow which will require removal to create access. Existing landscape buffering on the site’s southern boundary with The Dale and fronting the A518 will also be retained.

There will be significant planting of trees across the site delivering a net gain in the number of trees across the site. Trees at the rear of Highfield and at Chartley will be unaffected by the proposals.

All of these measures will enhance the biodiversity value of the site.

The masterplan for the site incorporates extensive green spaces, with planting of trees throughout the site alongside the retention of existing hedgerows and trees

The masterplan for the site incorporates extensive green spaces, with planting of trees throughout the site alongside the retention of existing hedgerows and trees - click to enlarge

Sustainable homes

We want to deliver homes that our sustainable now and contribute to a cleaner, greener future.

Bloor Homes wants to deliver homes that are sustainable now and contribute to a cleaner, greener future, acknowledging that sustainability is hugely important to communities across the country. The new homes at Hutchison Gate will meet the very latest standards in sustainability. With changes to Building Regulations, this will see homes include measures such as EV charging infrastructure and very high levels of insulation and energy efficiency.

Access and highways

Vehicular access to the site will be taken via the existing phase of Hutchison Gate, at a point close to its junction with the A518. There will also be pedestrian and cycle access to the site from the existing phase, as well as enhancements to the new public right of way that passes through the site with the use of Hoggin surfacing to improve accessibility.

The planning application will be informed by extensive technical studies, including a robust Transport Assessment. This report will assess the highway safety and capacity of the surrounding highway network to ensure that the new phase of Hutchison Gate can be safely accommodated.

The proposed access via the existing phase of Hutchison Gate and it’s junction with the A518

The proposed access via the existing phase of Hutchison Gate and its junction with the A518 - click to enlarge

Flooding and drainage

The site is located within Flood Zone of the Environment Agency’s flood map for planning. This means that it has the lowest probability of flooding.

In terms of surface water drainage, the provision of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) as part of the surface water drainage strategy for the development will manage surface water drainage from the development, and has the potential to provide an improvement over the current surface drainage situation for the surrounding area, as well delivering biodiversity enhancements through the creation of wetland habitats.

SuDs schemes for the new neighbourhoods will improve surface water drainage locally, whist providing new wetland habitats

SuDs schemes for the new neighbourhoods will improve surface water drainage locally, whist providing new wetland habitats - click to enlarge

Other technical considerations

The plans for Phase 2 are informed by a suite of technical studies as required by Telford and Wrekin’s Validation Criteria for a Full Planning Application, including Highways, Flooding and Drainage, Ecology, Contamination etc. These studies confirm that there are no significant technical constraints to delivering a high quality, sustainable residential development at this sustainable location.

Planning application and next steps

Bloor Homes is preparing to submit a full planning application for Phase 2 of their Hutchison Gate development. The proposed development of 60 high-quality family and affordable homes is fully compliant with planning policy, being located within the settlement boundary of Newport.

We would welcome your comments and feedback as we finalise our plans ready for submission to Telford and Wrekin Council via our short online questionnaire.

Once the planning application is submitted, there will be further opportunity to comment through the Statutory Consultation conducted by the Council as it considers the planning application.

If you would like to be kept updated on progress of the emerging planning application and further consultation opportunities, please ensure you check the box to opt-in for email updates at the end of our online questionnaire or contact form.